Chair’s Corner

Ron Campbell, Treasurer, Greene Tweed

2025 Chair– Ron Campbell

Honoring our Rubber Past; Preparing for our Elastomer Technology Future 

We will be honoring our rubber past in 2025 by celebrating the 50th anniversary of our Expo. The big event for 2025 will be the Global Polymer Summit in Cleveland, Ohio September 8 -11, 2025. This will be presented by the International Elastomer Conference and the International Tire Exhibition & Conference – merging together into one new exciting event. Silicone Expo will again co-locate with us. We are excited by these great developments as they provide significant value to our members. These actions will result in less travel and more information from one meeting. 

At the GPS, we will be looking back at many of the significant changes in the rubber industry over the past 50 years, as well as the future of elastomer technology in new areas like alternate energy, carbon capture, transportation and anticipated material developments using artificial intelligence.  

Our Spring Technical Meeting will be held in Lake Buena Vista, Florida March 4 – 6, 2025.  At this event, we will honor our Charles Goodyear Medalist and other outstanding award winners. The Science & Technology Awards Symposium will feature presentations from the prestigious award winners, and we will be hosting a special symposium in honor of this year’s Charles Goodyear Medalist, Gert Heinrich. Featured technical symposium topics at this meeting include very timely presentations on sustainable raw materials, green and alternate energy, elastomers in medical products and other topics like polymers in aerospace and defense and advances in tire technology. 

While the Rubber Division, ACS’s mission is to educate, connect and grow the elastomer industry, we have consistently stressed education. This will be an even more significant focus this year. We, as leaders in elastomer technology, will be addressing the educational needs for our members in key areas like on-line courses, technical meeting sessions and seminars, as well as addressing the anticipated effect of the announced cut back in University of Akron staff.    We also are excited about this year’s Young Professionals and the outstanding Outreach programs this year. Many great things are in store for 2025, and we look forward to you being a part of it!