2024 International Elastomer Conference

The International Elastomer Conference is the one place, one time a year, where you find the best of our industry all under one roof. This event features a renowned expo, […]

Los Angeles Rubber Group Basic Rubber Technology Course

Don’t miss out and register today for the upcoming TLARGI Basic Rubber Technology Course beginning September 17th, 2024.  This is a great in-person learning opportunity that provides interactive and hands-on […]

Webinar: Overcoming Your Fear of Public Speaking

Webinar Description: It is said that people fear public speaking more than death, but as you advance in your career, you might experience times when it's necessary to speak in […]

Twin Cities Rubber Group Fall Technical Meeting

Fall Technical Meeting; 5-7pm at Cowboy Jacks – Bloomington, MN Technical Speaker will give a presentation on a technical topic, along with time for socializing, networking, and dinner. More information […]

Course: Rubber Explained

CEUs: 0.66 (To receive the CEUs, attendees must attend the course live and promptly complete the survey evaluation after the course.) Location: The learning portion 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. […]